
Discipline... Obedience...

For the last few days I have found myself deeply involved in a Bible study online about Discipline. It would seem that at this point in my walk I should be studying things like spiritual warfare... But let me give my take on why I am not yet ready to study such a subject as war. (War being the spiritual kind, not the one overseas.)

Most of my life I have been involved in either Martial Arts, ROTC, or when I was younger Softball. All of these things have one thing in common with the Christian "walk"... Discipline. To be any of those things... to participate in any sport, game or club, it takes discipline. More so if we are in a Spiritual Battle... that makes us soldiers in the army of God. A soldier must have discipline... A soldier in the US military must spend 8-12 weeks being trained on how to behave, how to react, and how to treat others. So why wouldn't I spend time training in Gods' word... Learning a little discipline? Sounds good to me. My main book of study you ask... Hebrews. Excellent.

Just my form of reason. Perhaps it isn't fully logical to most... but really...


P.S. My bunny might be pregnant. Anyone want one?or two?

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