

Life is so enjoyable. I love each new experience that I have. Lately I have been learning to deal with feelings of jealousy and inadequacy. But that is what makes life so beautiful. Life is about learning new things... feeling, seeing, touching, etc. It's about learning and growing. This summer, I have grown very much... and I hope that as fall season comes around in a few months, I have more opportunities to learn and grow. I know that in at least one aspect I have the opportunity to grow... :) (Thanks to VN...(c: )

Well. Peace out.


Good Weekend.

So I had a fantastic weekend, which is only ending with something greater... two full days off!

First of all yesterday I spent the morning with a dear friend at the Westshore mall in Tampa. Then I went and saw two of the most beautiful girls I know. Lovely girls... :) Then on top of all that, I made a mends with a friend that I haven't talked to in about a month or so. And I agreed to go visit her as soon as I have the money to do so. It was really good.

And then as if life could not get any better... I had the most amazing time with God. So beautiful.

Well I am going to go. I got some stuff I need to take care of before I head off to bed tonight. :)





One year. One step closer to my goals.


..::Who Am I?::..

These last few days have left me pondering the answer to the question "Who Am I?"...

Well sure my name is Jessica. I am a shift leader at Atlanta Bread. I am working towards my brown belt in Kung Fu... but who am I really?

The Christian friends I have who are reading this would answer you are a child of the most high God. I would hear things like you are more than a conqueror and that by His stripes I am healed.

My more secular side of my mind would tell me that I am confused. That I don't know what I want in life. That I bounce between the fine lines of Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism. That I am a failure.

But that doesn't clear up the question of Who Am I?

Who am I going to let myself be defined as? Am I someone who can not manage their anger? Am I someone who has been known to be loyal and trustworthy? Can people believe what I say to them? Do I lead or follow?

Who Am I?

For now... I am Jess... and I am logging off for the night.