
Call Me Beautiful

"I've been waiting for a hero that is brave and strong. Someone to love me...And You call me beautiful. And say You love me all along..."
-Ginny Owens "Call Me Beautiful"

I guess every girl wants to be called beautiful. Even the most tomboyish of all girls want to be pretty. Growing up I wasn't always told I was pretty when I felt unpretty. So, I began to be what I felt... unpretty. How? I became a tomboy. Tomboys don't have to be pretty... you don't have to wear a dress and wait for compliments.

But I guess beneath it all I still cry on the inside for someone to call me beautiful. Being almost raised in church, surrounded by wonderful friends, and going through weekends like VN and TD, I guess I should understand God loves me and thinks I am beautiful. But I don't always remember that. Sometimes it seems easier for me to put on baggy jeans and a t-shirt and accept that I am not pretty in those clothes, than it is to dress up and risk not hearing those two words. But in reality... whose approval is it that I really need?

So much of todays appeal is to the world. Not just in my life, but look around at the young people and even the middle aged people around me. We spend hundreds and thousands (some even hundreds of thousands) each year to have a man or men call us beautiful. But God already thinks we are beautiful. We don't have to sit and wait on prince charming, our dashing hero in a shining suit of armour to come and rescue us, because he already has. Jesus has already given his life for us... so that we can draw near to the God of the universe that made us. The God that thinks we are the most beautiful thing in his sight. Our perfect and loving Father.

It's hard to think sometimes that He thinks I am beautiful. I mean look at my life... Look at what I have done. I am not pure and spotless by any means. If sin were mud, I'd be covered from head to toe, even in just counting my sins from today. But God still forgives me... He still sees my beauty and not the mud on my cheek or the dirt on my nose.

God thinks I'm beautiful. He thinks you are beautiful. It simply boggles my mind... He amazes me everyday... more and more. I keep finding myself wanting to draw closer to Him, admist the choas and admist the small voice that cries for me to turn back to Buddhism. To turn back to the things that I was doing... Back to my old habits, my old ways of dealing with stress and anger. But no... No more. You know why? Because...

God... The GOD...The Creator of mankind... He thinks you and I are the most beautiful thing on Earth.

And that is what I think is the most beautiful thing in life.



tinahdee said...

Today, this morning, I ended up crying because of those stupid "Fifty Most Beautiful Women" lists that are out right now. (I guess they're always out, I just have been hearing a lot about them lately). They're interesting to look at sometimes but they are so damaging to the "rest of us" who look at them and start feeling like we don't measure up. I think that thinking we're not beautiful enough is as much of a problem to us women as pornography is to men. Just when I think I am doing good, understanding that each of us is beautiful because beauty is not just some physical standard of society, but it is 3D, it comes from the inside too and combines with the outside to create a total picture of beauty inside and out, just when I think I have a pretty good handle on that, along comes a stupid LIST and a day where I'm feeling a little vulnerable because I just saw some less than flattering pictures of myself, and BAM, I'm feeling the hurt again.

I say all this to say that, Jessica, you are beautiful, in the words of Christina Aguilera, no matter what they say, and so am I. When I look at you I see a depth of soul that reflects on the outside like the beautiful raging of the seas.

Anonymous said...

When I think of beauty, I usually don't include myself. The funny thing about the images that I see on an everyday basis, is they don't measure up either. So who's standards am I going by? Recently, I read bios on Marilyn Monroe, Halle Berry & Dorothy Dandridge.

You wanna know what they ALL had in common? They never saw themselves as the world did. They just wanted to be loved. These are some of the most beautiful women in the world mind you.

After reading that I was floored. The reality is they are just as self conscious about image as we are. Even more so due to being in the public eye.

There is a book I read by Regina Franklin called; 'Who Calls Me Beautiful?' It's about finding our TRUE image in the mirror of God. HE adores us ladies!! HE truly is our hero and knight in shining armor. We are ALL beautiful in His sight.