
..::Who Am I?::..

These last few days have left me pondering the answer to the question "Who Am I?"...

Well sure my name is Jessica. I am a shift leader at Atlanta Bread. I am working towards my brown belt in Kung Fu... but who am I really?

The Christian friends I have who are reading this would answer you are a child of the most high God. I would hear things like you are more than a conqueror and that by His stripes I am healed.

My more secular side of my mind would tell me that I am confused. That I don't know what I want in life. That I bounce between the fine lines of Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism. That I am a failure.

But that doesn't clear up the question of Who Am I?

Who am I going to let myself be defined as? Am I someone who can not manage their anger? Am I someone who has been known to be loyal and trustworthy? Can people believe what I say to them? Do I lead or follow?

Who Am I?

For now... I am Jess... and I am logging off for the night.

1 comment:

jana said...

you jessica, and God made you who you are. smile dude. you're one in a million and no one can ever be the jessica that you are.