

Questions I have been asking myself a lot lately:

-Even though this is a hard situation, can I see God in it?
-Do I trust God to lead me?
-What can I learn from this event/situation?
-How can I use this situation to help strengthen my walk with Christ?
-Are my feelings logical and clear, am I seeing things how God would want me to see them?

I have been asking this mostly about things concerning work and finances. But more so the last few days I have found myself asking these things about a brother in Christ that I have seemed to take an extra special liking to.

It makes me anxious inside to think about the future... and then I remember that verse "be anxious for nothing, but take everything to God in prayer and petition..." well that is the paraphrased Jessica version, but you know the verse I am talking about. I guess it's just a little different this time around. This time I am viewing my feelings for this brother in Christ with eyes that aren't focused on his physical appearance as much as his love for Christ. Though, on a side note, I do find him quite handsome. Well... perhaps it isn't wise for me to sit here and daydream.

But if it helps explain my lack of interest in phone conversations and loss of focus in the online chats then I've done my job. For now, I need to take this up with God. He knows the right answer.


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