

June 4 starts our testing in Kung Fu for the next belt level. I must say that with each upcoming testing I find myself a little more nervous each time. This time I am either getting one stripe on my green belt or actually earning my brown belt. I want my brown belt, but the very thought of it causes butterflies in my stomach. Brown belt... that is just a little more than 9 months away testing wise from black belt. And while I feel ready to get that black belt... to show the world that I, Jessica L. Coosey, can finish something... I realize the great responsibility a black belt holds. It also makes me realize just how very little I know about my art.

So, today after work I got to looking up the verse I need to know for my next testing regardless of which belt I actually earn. It's "So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God." Romans 14:12. And it is absolutely amazing to me that at this time in my life that would be the verse given to me. Now, it wasn't given to me by my instructor because of this time in my life, the curriculum he follows actually makes this the green belt one stripe verse. But it just amazes me because it's so... I don't know the word... Perhaps sobering to think about.

I've been on this "high" lately. Anyone who has ever found joy in Christ can relate to the joy I am feeling now. But at the same time, amongst all this joy I have felt. I have seemed to set aside the fact that one day I will have to give an account of my time here on Earth to God. One day I will have to stand before the ultimate and most supreme Judge and give a testimony of my life. Why He should allow me into heaven. And I can't say now that looking back I have done anything truly worthy of getting into heaven. But I can say that I have given my life to God... And I trust Jesus as my savior.

This verse all follows closely with the character qualities I have been told to think about... Virtue and Responsibility. Perhaps they were chosen to go hand and hand with the verse... perhaps they are randomly chosen for each belt level. But I think that these qualities have had a great play in my life lately. Esp. that of responsibility. I have had to in a way GROW UP a lot lately. I have gone from being in charge of just a small amount of people at a Chick Fil A or Chipotle to being in charge of an entire store. I am in charge of ensuring the truck order is put away right, I make the schedule... I train people and make sure everyone is on task.... It's quite a job load.

So yea... growth is taking place in my life. I have picked up a new line...

Life is interesting... no wait the other thing... tedious.

It's partly from Bender off of Futurama.

But the line works... I work... and I have got to get back to cleaning my room. I decided to paint it. So all yal better come see it soon.


1 comment:

tinahdee said...

jessica, just remember that when you stand before Father to give an account, he will see you covered in Jesus. Put on Jesus, and you are safe, because when we are covered by him, his perfection removed our stain - and also because any good works that we do on our own are filthy rags anyway, compared to the perfection that is necessary to achieve eternal life with God.